GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data) is a major problem for all businesses, in particular operating in the e-commerce sector and addressing their services mainly to consumers. Implementation of unrealistic internal procedures, which are required under the GDPR, is not the worst thing. The real challenge is the development of databases which can be used in a hassle-free manner for marketing purposes, in particular in electronic communication, and transferred to another entity if needed. Many entrepreneurs have learned in a hard way what it means to have to liquidate a database with several thousands of records due to the fact that personal data has been collected in violation of the law. A personal data processing procedure prepared by our firm eliminates such risk.

- We develop the principles for personal data collection and use for web portals
- We develop internal personal data processing procedures for companies which act both as data controllers and as data processors
- We prepare agreements for entrusting personal data processing
- We develop solutions for mailing and other uses of personal data for marketing purposes, in accordance with the provisions of the Act on providing services by electronic means
- We prepare contracts for creating databases, licences for using databases and agreements for transferring databases

- comprehensive development of principles and preparation of internal documents, rules and consents relating to personal data processing for one of the biggest web portals in Poland
- development of personal data processing principles and documents for an entity organizing a film festival
- development of personal data processing principles and documents for an international medical company
- participation as an expert on behalf of the Polish Chamber of e-Commerce (an organization of e-commerce entrepreneurs) in the work of the Ministry of Digitization and Administration on a new European data protection regulation, which will replace the current Polish regulations

tel. +48 22 211 65 80
