A vast majority of our clients are companies. We support them in hundreds of cases, both relating to their development (establishment, capital increase, entry of new shareholders, restructuring) and to internal disputes.
The media generate lots of legal problems, from administrative regulations through intellectual property law, personal rights protection, new technology law to the provision of services via electronic channels and personal data processing.
Protection of copyrights and related rights, trademarks, inventions and other industrial property rights is the foundation of knowledge-based economy. Whenever the law is used to support the implementation of new technology and innovative solutions, the youth of our legal team is of particular value.
There are two sides to competition law in our practice. The first one relates to forbidden agreements and market practices aimed at limiting competition. The second one concerns a ban on acts of unfair competition. Even a small company may conclude an agreement violating anti-monopoly laws, in particular if it operates in a market niche.
An entrepreneur must satisfy a range of specific requirements in the relations with consumers to avoid problems, sanctions or adverse publicity. A catalogue of abusive clauses (prohibited in relations with consumers) is very long, as is the list of legal acts containing the regulations ensuring particular protection for consumers.
In a well written contract, every word is in the right place and has been put there for a good reason and for a specific purpose. A badly written, inconsistent, ambiguous text, which omits significant issues, does not deserve to be called “a contract”.
Providing legal services for such projects as the construction of a manufacturing facility, a residential building or a public road gives us special satisfaction as an opportunity to participate in building the real economy.
We define the concept of “Internet law” as a set of issues directly associated with two main profiles of activities: obtaining and publishing content and selling goods and services. Legal regulations fail to keep up with online business development, and therefore they often set obstacles for no apparent reason.
GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data) is a major problem for all businesses, in particular operating in the e-commerce sector and addressing their services mainly to consumers.
Every company applies labour law, but not every one understands the risks resulting from ignoring this seemingly simple area. It is not terminating employment contracts that creates problems, but ensuring safety in such areas as copyrights and industrial property rights, rights to databases, company secret and non-competition clauses formulated in such a manner that they can be enforced.
Our firm works both with entrepreneurs seeking public contracts and with public sector entities awarding such contracts. The body of experience gained in this way allows us to better understand the practical application of public procurement law and see things that are not explicitly described in the legal act.
A court dispute between business entities rarely benefits anyone and usually is a consequence of a failure of negotiations or brutal actions on the part of one of the parties without any respect for the rights of the other party.
Reliable legal assistance is impossible without a tax consultation. Thanks to our team’s expertise, in particular in the area of income taxes, we analyse contracts, rules and regulations, and in particular transactions on shares and enterprises from the tax perspective and optimize them on an ongoing basis.